Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 4 - Six Hour Breakfast Ride

If yesterday's ride wasn't enough fun we decided to be adventurous (imagine that) and signed up for a six-hour breakfast ride up Goosewing Creek (see above) into the mountains southwest of the Ranch with views of the Tetons and back down Tepee Creek. We were down at the Horse Barn by 6:00 am with breakfast burritos already on the BBQ warming up and cowboy coffee being poured. It was really good! Our horses (Dixie for Cindy and Gillette for Chris) were already saddled and ready to go. Our Wrangler today was Katy. Cindy and I were the only guests on this ride. The rest of the riders wimped out! Katy really took good care of us. Here is Chris crossing the Gros Ventre River just outside of the Ranch. That's correct he has a fleece on and its 23 July!

Below is a view looking almost due east back towards the Ranch on our way out.

Hunter's cabin on the way up Goosewing Creek
Here we are at the top of the mountain with a view of the Tetons over our shoulders. Approximate altitude at this point is 9,500 feet. 

The next two pictures is us at our highest altitude at 9,562 feet. The cliffs here were amazing and yes a little scary on top of a horse.

Heading down the mountain and towards Tepee Creek and back to the Ranch.

View of Ranch from about 8,000 feet above in the Gros Ventre National Forest.

The mountain along the side of the trail was really steep here. Not a great trail ride for anyone afraid of heights!

Chris crossing back across the Gros Ventre River on the way back to the barn. The horses and riders were really tired!

After a long 18 mile ride, a good soak in the hot tub, and great dinner out on the porch, this is what closed out our magnificent day!

Day 3 - First full day at Goosewing Ranch

We are back in Maryland now and have full access to the internet so I will be posting updates when time permits.

When we got to the Goosewing Ranch. Cindy and I did not waste anytime learning about the horses that we would be riding and passed our basic riding 101. On our first full day we signed up for a four hour 
ride that would take us up to Prospect Mountain. Our Wrangler's name was Jillian. We rode along with Katy (Lead Wrangler at the Ranch). She was just along for the ride, but I suspect she was doing a check ride for Jillian since she had only been at the Ranch for a couple of weeks. We also rode with Logan (Ranch Hand) and Amet (Ranch Cook from Russia). Both were on their day off and just wanted to get a ride in. Here are a few pictures from that ride.

Jillian (left) was our lead Wrangler on this ride and Katy rode along with us. Katy is the Lead Wrangle for the Ranch.

Cindy & Chris posing on Prospect Mountain, Gros Ventre National Forest, Wyoming.

Here is one more picture looking down from Prospect Mountain towards the Ranch.