Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 14 - Travel Day back to Jackson Hole

Panoramic view of the Grand Tetons
2 August 2013, was our final travel day back to Jackson Hole and eventual (uneventful) flight back to Baltimore. We left Canyon Village early so that we could enjoy our road trip back through the heart of Yellowstone, around Yellowstone Lake, and south to exit the park and back into Grand Tetons National Park (GTNP). The photo above is a testament to yet another beautiful day in the Tetons.

One of our side trips back inside GTNP was on a very nice 5 mile road up to Signal Mountain. Here is a picture and video from that area.

Chris posing at the top of Signal Mountain overlooking Jackson Lake and theTetons, GTNP, Wyoming - August 2013

We also stopped at Jackson Lake Lodge and were highly impressed with this property and the location. Here is a photo (not ours) taken from the lobby with this magnificent view of the Tetons. When we make it back to the Tetons we will make it a point to stay at this lodge. We may have to take out a loan, but it would be worth it!

One of many flower boxes outside of the Jackson Lake Lodge
Here are some photos taken near Jackson Lake with the Tetons as a backdrop. Who wouldn't take a photo on a day like this!

Taken from the patio outside the Jackson Lake Lodge
As sad it may seem...and it was...we exited GTNP and headed back into Jackson Hole. We spent one more night there, did some touristy walks around the town, had a nice dinner, and then left Wyoming on 3 August back to Baltimore.

Chris posing in the Jackson Hole town square and elk horn arch
On a final note and reflecting back on this vacation Cindy and I admit that this was one for the memory books. As noted in these various blogs we accomplished a lot in two weeks and would not change a thing (except more Fly Fishing!). Picking the Goosewing Ranch in the Gros Ventre National Forest, which was not on the original itinerary, turned out to be one of many highlights of the trip. The location, staff, horseback trail rides, and overall experience was off the charts!

The weather while traveling in GTNP, YNP, and the Beartooth/Chief Joseph Scenic Byways was picture perfect. We did not have one single day that was ruined (the hail storm in the Beartooth was actually cool) by rain. Our planned and unplanned hikes were spectacular and each had their own personalities. 

The wildlife and geology throughout this area did not disappoint, with the exception of not seeing any Wolves. But we chalk the later up for an excuse to just come back! Because they are there...just elusive. We did see a variety of other animals like Black and Grizzly Bears, Black and White Tail Deer, Elk, Bison, Pronghorns, furry little rodents, Cutthroat Trout  and various birds of prey including Hawks, Ravens, and Bald Eagles. 

Through the conversations with the Park Rangers, displays throughout the many visitor centers, and just seeing each Park in the first person we learned a lot more than you can from a book or the internet. 

The crowds in some of the more popular areas like Yellowstone Canyon/Falls, Old Faithful Geyser Basin, and Mammoth Hot Springs were anticipated and proved that you must have patience and civility. The key is to always take the path less traveled. It's important to note that hiking 100 yards off the beaten path takes you away from the noisy visitors.

We give this trip an A+ and highly recommend to anyone who needs some fresh, clean, mountain air; loves the thought of seeing wild animals in their natural habitat; can enjoy the geology that is unsurpassed in beauty, and just plain relaxation should make the effort to see this part of Wyoming.

We hope you enjoyed this blog as much as we did in putting it together! Hmmmm...what's next on our bucket list?