Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 5 - UTV and Fly Fishing

Day 5 was an off day from horseback riding. We decided to take advantage of the Utility Vehicle (aka All Terrain Vehicles [ATV]) provided to each cabin. We took an off-road ride from the Ranch at 7,400 feet up to Gunsight Pass, which is at elevation 9,437 feet. The views were outstanding.

Here is Cindy on our way out from the Ranch.

Here are a few pictures and some video from about half way up the mountain.

At the top of the mountain we were busy using the binoculars to view the adjacent mountain peaks and spot animals down below, but as it turned out about 75 yards away in a grove of young evergreens their was a bull moose preparing a place to lie down for a while. We did not get to see a full view of the animal, but it was exciting non-the-less. Here is some photos from the Pass.

Moving back down the mountain we recognized one of the available trail ride destinations called Cowboy Cabin. We did not pick this one, but we were able to drive to it using the UTV. A group of guests from the Ranch were there.

The remainder of the day was driving the UTV around the Ranch and the Gros Ventre River. Chris got in some Fly fishing, with one Cutthroat Trout caught! 

All around great day!

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